Setup Cameras (Day of)
Select Music Theme and create a youtube playlist (DUE NEXT FRIDAY)
Bernard can double check copyright of each music
Create a "We'll be right back" video using slides or pptx.
Setup Audio (Day of)
RTSP Key (Day before)
Bring bernard a monitor (Day Before)
Map of Event
Match Scene [Bernard]
Large view of box cam w/ overlays for time remaining in match and robot names. think regular live tv sports broadcast stuff
Using only 1 top down camera per field.
If we want, we can create a scene where we split screen both fields.
Team Win [Bernard]
Enable studio mode in controls
have a winner screen with "Enter Winning Robot name here'
Edit the text
click transition
Matches Overview [Bernard]
Upcoming matches on one side, prev. match results on the other
Scene will use a Window Capture source on a browser and display from Challonge
Chat Included
Maybe announcer bottom window
Pre Match Overview (Too difficult to Implement)
For each robot in the upcoming match, display robot name, picture, school/team affiliation, W/L record for the event
Can pull most data off of RCE and/or Challonge via API
maybe have a photo booth at the event for robot pictures. could be super cool to put each robot on a carousel and record a loop of it spinning 360 degrees instead of using a simple robot picture on the slide
Announcer View [Bernard]
For Interviews or just for announcer solo to talk about things
Announcer in full frame, no fields on each frame
Includes Chat
Slideshow w/ Misc. Media (for use between matches) [Jason]
Comet Clash Banner
Thank you to our sponsors
Matches Overview
QR Code with link to website (has links to challonge, RCE, etc)
Are we going with Comet Clash colors or do you have something else in mind? Need 5 colors for graphics work to begin, see
Music should be copyright free or copyright reduced. Copyright free is any song listed as "Copyright Free" by the author. "Copyright Reduced" is music past 10+ years where enforcement is difficult to identify, usually fan covers of video game music or abandonware video game music.
Bernard Has a couple playlists of "Copyright Reduced" music, see
Scifi & Tech Themed -
100% Copyright Free Music -
Jazz Music, pre 1927 (Copyright expiration date) -
We can probably pick a theme and stick with it.
Where do we place commentators, do commentators get a table, long power strips for power control for Streamers, etc.
HyperX Solocast & Microphone Rig (Mic)
Limited Technologies LLC
Desk mounted Microphone
Announcer's Desk
Gopro Hero 3 (Cam, Action)
Limited Technologies LLC
Action Camera
Field 2 Top
Gopro Hero 10 (Cam, Action)
Limited Technologies LLC
Action Camera
Field 1 Top
Canon Rebel T3i (Cam, DSLR) + Lavalier mic (Mic)
Limited Technologies LLC
Point camera
Announcer's Desk
MSI G65 Streamer Setup (Laptop)
Limited Technologies LLC
Main Streamer Laptop
Announcer's Desk
semi uncoordinated technical thoughts below proceed at your own risk :p
YT Live Stream through RTSP YT
Video Wall (atrium, main comp. area)
Has 16:9 area that we can definitely push content to via HDMI (port on wall under green staircase), and an additional strip on the right side that I don't know the aspect ratio of but would absolutely love if we could push content to that whole area. Idk if we send them 2 separate inputs, or 1 input with a weird aspect ratio, but either way it would be super cool to have box cam/whatever other content on the 16:9 portion, and use the right strip to always display the schedule or other info that's really only pertinent to in person people
Projector (Birds' Nest, competitor pit area)
how to get video up here? my first thought is run a (long) ethernet cable from the streaming machine to the birds nest, then get another computer in the birds next with NDI Studio Monitor or or something we set up w livekit to display video
~~want to avoid using yt stream for latency sake~~ YouTube's stream is only about 3min behind, and you should not be using YT as live match updates for the competitors, just public. Using something like Google Docs/Google Sheets to update the competitors on next match is more effective and useful.
Box Camera (Cam?) =
Can't check out iPhones from ATEC anymore :( maybe i'll send some emails and see who i have to beg to make this happen because there's no way they straight up don't have them anymore, right??
can apparently check out 90D w fisheye lens from ATEC - need to see if this is a decent option for the box in terms of framing - a typical DSLR 18-55mm is not able to capture the full box in the same way we could w the iphone ultrawide at widest focal length
A Canon 90D needs CANON EOS WEBCAM Utility to plug in, but can be plugged in directly via USB. my streamer laptop is setup for this already.
never mind i faked this i must have heard fisheye lenses were an option somewhere else
Zoom H6 (Mic)
Check out from ATEC, send tracks into OBS via USB cable
the kit is supposed to include the USB cable but doesn't always. double check this at the ATEC checkout desk but also be prepared with own mini USB-B to USB A cable just in case.
onboard mic - room/box noise
music (need to convert from 1/4 in to 1/8in)
mic from media services (unknown but will probably use 1/4in or XLR so no conversion needed)
battlebox controller (need to convert from 1/4 in to 1/8in)
still not 100% sure on audio situation since we are hopefully getting PA + wireless mic from media services. I would like to be able to adjust levels for stream vs birds nest vs atrium separately, we'll see what they provide and figure everything else out later
OBS Can handle quick disconnect and quick reconnect. Are we putting this mic for the announcers or are we putting it in front of the competitors?
HyperX Solocast & Microphone Rig (Mic)
(On loan from Limited Technologies LLC - ASK BERNARD TO BRING)
Really nice statically mounted microphone for presenters, commentators, etc.
Canon Rebel T3i (Cam, DSLR) + Lavalier mic (Mic)
(On loan from Limited Technologies LLC - ASK BERNARD TO BRING)
Requires the EOS Webcam Utility to work, but produces 1080p
Works with OBS fine at 720p
Comes with Tripod
Really good for static close ups and some wide shots.
Comes with a Lavalier Microphone for Interviews
Gopro Hero 10 (Cam, Action)
Gopro Hero 3 (Cam, Action)
(On loan from Limited Technologies LLC - ASK BERNARD TO BRING)
Requires a USB Dongle (which I will bring if reminded) to MicroHDMI into cam (tutorial)
Really good for high angle - top down view
Misc USB Webcams (Cam, Fixed)
Multiple small USB webcams can be chained together to create action camera looks, view in certain areas.
MSI G65 Streamer Setup (Laptop)
(On loan from Limited Technologies LLC - ASK BERNARD TO BRING)
OBS Setup and ready to go
EOS Webcam utility setup and ready
Tested with Limited Technologies Streaming equipment
Will likely need to involve something like CasparCG (less preferable) or SPX-GC (seems to be better suited for our use case) for the scenes which have dynamic data stuff. Authoring templates is done via HTML and/or via tools like Loopic. Bringing these graphics into OBS is trivial.
need to start designing this stuff soon (now!)
Is there a reason we're not thinking of just creating Stock OBS graphics? Like static vids and stuff? Nobody will complain about us not having news-sports style graphics if we look decently professional with good lighting. -B
one advantage that casparcg has over SPX that I hadn't considered previously - since CasparCG supports NDI output, we can actually receive the graphics with an alpha channel. SPX does playout on a web page, so to include the graphics in OBS we need to use a browser source and then key out whatever background color is used
NVM. SPX also supports CasparCG playout. will need to do more research on if it makes sense to use casparcg directly then, because otherwise we'd probably run SPX with Caspar.
if we end up using casparcg directly we will likely also want to use smth like
something something bitfocus companion
Should only need 2 machines to run everything
Marketing Mac mini - run OBS Studio for streaming/compositing tasks + graphics playout
Use onboard HDMI output for operator monitor
need USB-C dongle for additional HDMI output to video wall
Some random other computer (one of the ericsson's or even a Pi?) - birds' nest playback
Really don't want to move RoboPC since that runs a bunch of other services and I'm afraid things will break if its not on our network, although it unfortunately currently holds my DeckLink :/ so can't use that for video capture
if we need to offload a task from the Mac mini, both solutions we plan to use for graphics are accessible over internet / tailscale maybe?
Both use some sort of web-based/TCP control solution so we can still control from the mac. as far as operator is concerned it may as well be on the local machine
CasparCG has a window, NDI and an FFMPEG output method. AFAIK NDI gets weird with VPNs/running over the internet, but FFMPEG could send an RTMP stream over the internet to smth like LiveKit that we can bring into the stream easily. or we can use the window output method with, similar idea but feels more scuffed
SPX serves a web app for playout and control which we can super easily access over Tailscale.
OBS 30.2 adds a new 'hybrid MP4' recording format type that 'supports inserting chapter markers into the file via a hotkey or API' - we should try to use this and add markers for each match so it's hopefully easier to edit down
If possible we should try to record the box camera raw with no overlays but not a huge deal if we can't
Rough idea is to add a new peer to the battlebox controller's ESP NOW network, which just dumps those messages over USB serial to a machine
Each team's assist/ready/tapout events could trigger a little pop up or status indicator on the stream
on second thoughts, 'status indicator' implies that state is saved somewhere, which i don't really want to deal with so nvm lol
This is a beautifully complicated idea, I advise instead just including a clock next to the camera footage so we can see the live match time and can work backwards xD - B
Pressing victory buttons could trigger OBS Team Win scenes and maybe auto update Challonge via API
Starting/unpausing/changing duration of a match should send a message with the amount of millliseconds remaining in the match (used to display a count down timer on stream)
Pausing a match should send a message which we use to stop the countdown timer